Villa Alabali



Php, jQuery, Zurb Foundation


Villa Alabali is a luxury villa in Seminyak on the island of Bali. I was asked to create a website for the villa that reflects the luxurious and exclusive feel that they would like to provide for their clients. When I was provided with the gorgeous photos of the villa it was clear to me that they should take pride of place on the front page, so I created a simple rolling slideshow that leaves the page uncluttered and allows the potential customer to more easily see what experience could await them. I changed the contrast on these feature photos to make the colours really stand out. The site was created using Zurb Foundation and is fully responsive, there is also a gallery page and this to is responsive allowing customers to view the gallery on their mobiles. I was asked to photoshop a picture in the gallery as one of the members of staff was looking away from the camera and wasn't smiling properly, so I guess I can include plastic surgery in my skills now?
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